About The Entrance Surf Club, Central Coast
The Entrance Surf Club is a great place for anyone looking to get involved in surf sports or become a patrolling member. Our club is proud to have been in operation for over 100 years, with a rich history of benefitting the local Central Coast community.
Our Club features great facilities to host your next event, a members-only gym and more. We offer surf lifesaving training all the way from nippers through to bronze medallion and to be a fully qualified surf lifesaver.
Our volunteer lifesavers are vital to the Central Coast community and we’re always looking for more support. If you’re interested in helping out or simply want to enjoy the beach and our facilities, come down and see us today!
The club was founded in 1922, the second club to commence operation on the Central Coast.
In the early years the club was manned by lifeguards from Sydney, particularly Bondi, who would be employed by Erina Shire Council for the summer to protect the lives of the many tourists who would make their way to Tuggerah and catch a ferry to cross the lake and stay at a guesthouse in the local area.
In 1936 the clubhouse was built and it is still the main building used today for the purpose of Surf Life Saving. When the building was first erected it was more in the design of a pavilion for the general public to use. As the club grew, more space within the building was taken over by members.
In the past members of The Entrance have played a big part in the development of Surf Life Saving on the Central Coast, being involved with the formation of the Central Coast Branch and providing assistance and manpower in the commencement of other clubs around us, Toowoon Bay, Shelly Beach, North Entrance in the north of the Branch and Avoca and Terrigal in the south.
Today the club is still active in the local community, we have a focus on the club as a family club, offering all aspects of Surf Life Saving and social activities for membes and guests. Recently our local council spent half a million dollars reclaiming the sand on the beach, now there is no better aspect from a clubhouse on the east coast of Australia, with the club virtually 15 metres directly above the ocean.
There is a boardwalk from The Entrance town centre that follows the path of the channel into the Tuggerah Lakes system that takes the traveller directly to our front door.
Our Team
Warren Evrard
Sue Evrard
Chris Hampton
Lee Cowell
Sue Evrard
Ken Sellers
James Legge
Our Sponsors
The Entrance Surf Club is a not for profit organisation. We rely on the support of the community and sponsors to assist us in funding our essential surf lifesaving service; training and developing our junior members and providing competition equipment.
Their support will allow us to continue our work in all of these areas. With the ever-increasing cost of equipment our resources are continually stretched. We would like to thank the following club sponsors for their ongoing support and encourage you to support the people who support our club.

Pathway Wealth Solutions is a long-term club sponsor providing direct financial contribution and other ancillary support such as web hosting. Pathway Wealth Solutions will donate a percentage of all new SMSF, superannuation, investment and insurance business received from Club members, their family and friends. Contact Greg Newton - Director & Owner of Pathway Wealth Solutions on 4351 3566 to discuss your financial planning needs.

Dunlieth Tourist Park and the Littlefield family have also been valued, long term supporters of The Entrance SLSC.

Dojo Web Group Web Design & SEO Specialists are proud sponsors of The Entrance SLSC - and made the website you are currently browsing. Serving local businesses on the Central Coast with our award winning approach to web design and search engine optimization.